Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Yes, it rains in Timisoara

Note to my (one) faithful fan, who pointed out that the sun was shining in all my pictures and asked if it ever rained here. Actually, we have had almost no sunshine at all; it's just that whenever the sun comes out, I run out and take a picture! But this is a more typical view from my window.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Look up!

After being in Vienna, I began to notice all the architectural details and designs in Timisoara.

They are on balconys

and pediments.

This one I particularly like is from the Peacock House (early 20th century Secessionist).

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

We just got back from a wonderful week in Vienna with great friends

A city filled with amazing architecture,

of all sorts

and styles,

and art everywhere.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Happiness is Clean Laundry!

This week our life returned to order: back on the internet, phone repaired, bathroom repaired, and 3 weeks of piled-up laundry taken care of in a new washing machine!

Spring comes (sort of) to Romania

Romanians celebrate spring coming in March--Marti.

And even though it's still cold people sell little spring-like pins and objects in the squares.

OriginallyI think they were hand-made. Now they seem mostly mass produced. Though they're still pretty.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Last week we went to Budapest

A city that we love.
Where we walked around.

And revisited favorite places.

But mostly enjoyed (and acquired for Romania) creature comforts.

Return to the Blog!

This post is dedicated to my (one) faithful fan: After 5 days off-line, we are back on the internet! More later.